Thank you so much for your consideration and please allow me to share with you how excited I am to help your company succeed! As a business owner of Capră - Bodyweight Training, I understand how skeptical you may feel about hiring someone to help you create or improve the business you own. Every earned dollar is of significant value and it is hard to justify paying it to someone who could potentially take the money, give you a few useless generic pieces of advice and be gone. Please allow me to reassure you that my goal is to help your business be more successful! It is my priority to make sure you see the growth of your company after we implement the new tactics and strategies that I’ll share with you. 

Here are several key areas we’d focus on depending on the current growth phase of your company:

  • Establishing the target audience and choosing the right brand strategy. In this stage we will set the long term vision for how you want to present yourself to your future (and current) customers. This is the time to identify who is your target audience and figure out how to attract them.

  • Finding the right location (if you don’t have it already) and choosing the right equipment and amenities for your new space. Here we’ll focus on finding the right neighborhood and the size of the space. These two factors will determine the cost of your rent and it is extremely important to choose wisely as once you sign the lease, the rent is due every month no matter what. Here we’ll also need to identify how we can get the highest quality without spending more than you need to on building out the space. 

  • Creating just the right advertisement strategy. In this segment we’ll identify all of the potential marketing outlets that will generate new leads without costing too much and sometimes nothing at all. The idea is to get the customers to find you instead of looking for customers yourself.

  • Addressing customer retention through proper staffing. Finding and keeping talent is important in any industry, but in the health and fitness world it is critical. Who should you hire and how do you keep them? I’ll share with you some very effective tools to find great people and have them want to work with you forever. 

  • Creating simple systems to help you operate your business. Having the right tools to keep track of your revenue and expenses will provide a clear picture of which revenue streams yield most profits and what operational expenses are draining too much cash and are potentially not needed to your business. 

If all of the above sounds good to you, I’d like to invite you for a complimentary consultation where we can talk about how I can help your company succeed.